Byleth×Leonie Support Conversations
C Support
レオニー: ……ふう。あ、先生も訓練?
Leonie: Phew... Oh, Professor! Are you training too?
I was just about to finish up, but if you want to join in, I can stick around a while longer.
Choice 1:付き合ってくれなくても You don't have to stay just for me.
Choice 2: 長くなると思うが I might be here a while.
レオニー: いいんだ、わたしのことは気にしないで、好きなだけ訓練してよ。
Leonie: Oh, no. It's fine! Just do your thing. Don't mind me. Come on. Don't be shy.
レオニー: はあ、はあ……疲れた……。
Leonie: Phew! I'm beat...but we're finally done.
Byleth: 先に終われば良かったのに You didn't have to stay for my whole routine.
レオニー: ……わたしは先生が来る前から訓練してて、先生と一緒に訓練を終えた……。
つまり、わたしのほうが長く訓練したってことになるよな? ……ふふ、ふふふ。
Leonie: I was...already training when you got here, and I...finished right alongside you... Guess I...outlasted you, huh?
Byleth: 張り合わなくても…… It's not a competition.
レオニー: うるさいな、わたしの勝手だろ?
Leonie: Speak for yourself! I'm always looking to improve. By the way, Professor. Something I wanted to ask.
Choice 1: 答えられる範囲で Let's hear it, then.
Choice 2: 何でもどうぞ Ask me whatever you want.
レオニー: 先生ってさ、ほんとにジェラルト師匠の子供なの?
Leonie: Are you really Captain Jeralt's kid?
Choice 1: わからない I don't know.
Choice 2: そう聞いている That's what I'm told.
レオニー: ……自分のことなのに、他人事みたいだな。
Leonie: That's a pretty detached tone to take about your own family.
What's your opinion of him, then? You must look up to him, at least?
Byleth: 尊敬は…… I respect him, of course.
レオニー: むっ……師匠がどれだけ偉大な人か、あんた、ちゃんとわかってるのかよ。
……いいか? 先生も生徒も関係ない。わたし、あんたなんかに負けないから。
Leonie: Hm. It doesn't sound like you really appreciate him. You didn't even know until you came here that he used to lead the Knights of Seiros, did you? If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be half the person you are now. You've probably never even thought about how lucky you are. Ugh! OK, this really bothers me! Listen up. I don't care if you're the teacher and I'm the student. I'm going to outshine you. I know you were some famous mercenary before you came here, but let me tell you something... I'm going to be better than you ever were! In fact, I'll surpass you in no time at all, so don't blink. You might miss it.
Byleth: ………………。 …
B Support
レオニー: 先生、ちょっといいかな。
Leonie: Hey, Professor. Got a minute?
Look, I'm sorry I snapped at you. I didn't mean to lose my temper.
I was rude to you. I should have known better.
Choice 1: いいよ It's all right.
Choice 2: 気にしてない I wasn't offended.
レオニー: はは……あんたなら、そう言うと思ったよ。
Leonie: Hah. I thought you might say that. In that way, you're just like Captain Jeralt. You accept other people. You don't let petty details get under your skin.
Byleth: 自分の父とはどういう関係? How do you know my father?
レオニー: 小さい頃に、師匠に勝手に弟子入りして、それ以来、勝手に一番弟子を名乗ってる。
Leonie: Well, when I was a kid, I kind of latched on to him. I've been calling myself his apprentice ever since. He spent some time in the village I grew up in. Actually, you weren't with him back then. Why not?
Byleth: よく覚えていない I don't remember
レオニー: 誰かに預けて来てたのかな。……まあ、いいか。
Leonie: Huh. Maybe he left you with a relative or something. Anyway, back then, Jeralt's job was to deal with poachers—well, they were bandits—but we called them poachers. Nobody in the village could stand up to them. But your dad? He took them on like it was nothing. I was so impressed! All I could think was how amazing mercenaries were. I'd lived in that tiny village my whole life, so to me, Captain Jeralt was nothing short of a legend. So I went right up to him, and I told him I was going to be his apprentice. He didn't stick around long after that, but he did teach me a lot while he was with us. Tactics, strategy, training routines—it was all so new and exciting! So after he left, I kept at it. Kept training. Just like he taught me.
Byleth: 死ぬ前に会えて、本当に良かった…… I'm glad you got to see him again.
レオニー: ああ、ほんとは一流の傭兵になってから再会したいって思ってたんだけどさ……。
Leonie: Me too. I always planned to meet him again, once I became a top-tier mercenary. But I'm just glad I got to see him. To thank him properly and all. I've spent my whole life working to become a great mercenary like your father. There were so many times when I wanted to ask his advice, but I couldn't. I just had to make do. That's how I've made it this far. Just hard work, all on my own. But then you come along... And it's like you don't appreciate Captain Jeralt at all, or how lucky you were to have him around your whole life! Ugh! It still really bothers me! You might be his kid, but I'm still his best apprentice! Got it?!
Byleth: ………………。 …
A Support
レオニー: 先生、あの……ちょっといいかな。
Leonie: Hey, Professor. Can we talk?
I feel terrible about the last time we spoke.
I was trying to apologize, and just ended up losing my temper again. I'm really sorry.
Choice 1: いいよ It's all right.
Choice 2: 気にしてない I don't mind.
レオニー: あんたなら、そう言うと思ったけど流石になあ……自分で自分に呆れるよ。
Leonie: I figured you'd say that, but I still feel like an idiot. Somehow, I just have a hard time keeping my feelings in check around you. And I think if I don't just tell you what I'm thinking, we'll never be able to have a normal conversation. So, let me clear the air. I want us to, uh...engage...
Choice 1: 決闘!? Engage in what? A duel?
レオニー: そう、決闘だ!
Leonie: Yeah! Exactly.
Choice 2: 結婚!? You want to get engaged?!
レオニー: そう、結婚……ち、違う! 決闘だ!
Leonie: Yeah, I—wait, what?! No! I mean in a duel!
レオニー: こっちの都合で申し訳ないけど、あんたと真剣勝負して気持ちにけじめをつけたい。
Leonie: I know it's a sudden thing to ask, but I'm not going to feel settled until I know where I stand.
Would you do that for me?
Byleth: わかった All right.
レオニー: 手加減は無用、お互いに全力で戦おう。
Leonie: Good. Don't hold back, OK? I want to see you at your absolute best!
レオニー: ……完敗だな。参りました。
Leonie: Phew! You got me. I'm completely outmatched...
Choice 1: 何だか申し訳ない Sorry.
レオニー: 何で謝るんだよ。おかげで、スッキリした。
Leonie: No, don't apologize! This is what I needed.
Choice 2: レオニーも強かった You held your own.
レオニー: だとしても、あんたのほうが強かった。おかげでスッキリしたよ。
Leonie: Maybe, but you were definitely stronger. Honestly, that's what I needed to see.
レオニー: 先生の剣は、正真正銘のジェラルト流。まるで師匠と手合わせしてるみたいだった。
Leonie: You're a true successor to Captain Jeralt's style of swordplay. I almost felt like you were him.
I thought I was competing with you...but that's as pointless as competing against him would've been.
So instead of that, I'm going to focus on keeping the promise I made to him.
Byleth: What promise?
レオニー: 師匠がね、自分に万一のことがあれば、代わりにあんたのこと支えてくれって。
Leonie: Captain Jeralt said that, if anything should happen to him, I'd have to support you in his place.
He didn't sound serious at the time, but it was right before know. Before we lost him.
So, I've decided. I'd like to do just what he said.
I know I'm not as strong as I need to be. But I swear to you...I'll train until I am.
What do you say? Can I call you my employer?
Byleth: よろしく I know I can count on you.
レオニー: よし、契約成立だ!絶対にあんたを守り抜くからな!
Leonie: Yes! It's official! I'll protect you, no matter what!
S Support
レオニー: ……先生?こんなところに何しに来たんだ?
Leonie: Professor? What are you doing here?
Byleth: そちらこそ I could ask you the same.
レオニー: わたしは、師匠と話してたんだ。
Leonie: I was talking to Jeralt. The sky feels so you can almost touch the stars. I thought my voice might reach him.
Byleth: 何を話していた? What were you saying?
レオニー: そりゃ、ようやく戦争が片づきましたって報告だよ。
Leonie: That the war's finally over. And that his kid and his greatest apprentice did an amazing job out there! Haha, maybe I'm overselling the part I played.
Byleth: You were amazing.
レオニー: 先生の活躍に比べたら、ささやかなもんだ。張り合ってた自分が滑稽にすら思えるよ。
Leonie: Thanks, but I was nothing compared to you. I feel like an idiot for ever thinking I could surpass you. I have managed to keep my promise though. So, how would you feel about hiring me again? Can't exactly go and break my word now, can I?
Byleth: 約束はもう果たせている Your promise is already fulfilled.
レオニー: いや、戦争は終わったけど油断はできない。あんたを狙う奴がどこに潜んでいるか……
Leonie: The war's over, but the enemy might still be lurking! What if they're waiting until I'm gone to attack you?!
Byleth: もう大丈夫 I'll be fine.
レオニー: だけど……あ、もしかして迷惑か?わたしが近くにいたら……。
Leonie: But— Oh, I get it. You're probably pretty tired of me always trailing after you, huh?
Byleth: 結婚してほしい Not at all. In fact... I love you, Leonie.
レオニー: 決闘だって!? それはもうやっただろ。何でまたやらなきゃ……
レオニー: あ……これ。え? 決闘じゃなくて、結婚?
レオニー: ……ごめん、わたしも素直に言えば良かった。
本当にいいのか……? あたしなんかで。こんな色気も素っ気もないような奴で。
レオニー: ……ありがとう、先生。この指輪、受け取らせてもらうよ。
Leonie: Love?! As in... As in the way a commander loves his soldiers, right? Of course that's what you mean... Oh, that's...that kind of love! Can this really be happening? You want to marry me?... I... Of course will! You are being serious, right? That would be an awful joke... I'm sorry. I should have been honest. All that stuff about my promise a minute ago, it was mostly just an excuse for wanting to be near you. But, I'm not really the romantic type, so I had a hard time coming out and saying it. Are you sure this is what you want though? I know I'm not exactly conventional. Guess I'm really wearing this ring, then aren't I? But, I do still have a promise to keep with Captain Jeralt too.
レオニー: あんたはこれから、新しいフォドラを築く大仕事に立ち向かってかなきゃならない。
よし! じゃあ契約成立だ!あんたを一生、守りぬくからね。
Leonie: You've got a big job ahead of you, building a whole new Fódlan. I'm going to support you through all of that. Make sure it never gets to be too much. Then that's that! I promise to protect you until death parts us! And...I'll be happy for you to do the same for me.
Goddess Tower
レオニー: ……先生、一人か?
Leonie: Hey, Professor. You all alone here? I mean, you're not waiting for anyone or anything, are you?
Choice 1: 大司教と Actually, I'm meeting the archbishop.
レオニー: ええ!? って、嘘つくなよ。レアさまなら大広間にいるの見たぞ。
Leonie: Liar. I saw Lady Rhea just moments ago. She was in the reception hall.
Choice 2: マヌエラ先生と Manuela should be here any moment.
レオニー: ええ!? って、冗談言わないでよ。マヌエラ先生なら下で男に絡んでたぞ。
Leonie: Yeah, right! I just passed her flirting with some guy on my way up.
レオニー: 先生が塔に入っていくのを見て、どうせ一人だろうと思って追いかけてきたんだ。
Leonie: Anyway, I saw you heading to the tower, so I thought I'd drop by. I figured you might be lonely.
Byleth: どうせ…… You figured that, did you?
レオニー: まあ、細かいことはいいだろ。先生はこの塔の伝説は知ってるか?
Leonie: Hey, don't make it weird! By the way... Have you heard the legend about this place? They say if a guy and a girl make a promise here together, the goddess will make sure it's kept.
Choice 1: 知っている I've heard.
レオニー: 割と有名な話だもんな。それなら、話が早い。
Leonie: It's a pretty well-known legend.
Choice 2: 知らない I had not heard that.
レオニー: 知らないのか?割と有名な話なんだぞ。
Leonie: Really? It's a pretty well-known legend.
レオニー: ただ、いつでもいいわけじゃなくって、舞踏会の夜……つまり今日だけらしいんだ。
Leonie: Thing is, the way the story goes, it doesn't work all the time. It has to be the night of the ball. Tonight. So, since it's just you and me here, what do you say we give it a go? I mean, I don't know if the goddess will really take the time for a pair like us, but it's worth a try.
Byleth: ……だから? What are you suggesting?
レオニー: わかるだろ? 約束させてくれよー!折角、叶えてくれるっていうんだからさ。
Leonie: Well—you know! Let's make some kind of promise! We've got the chance, it'd be a shame to waste it. I mean, not something romantic or anything. That'd be weird.
Leonie: We could promise I'll become a top-tier mercenary! Though I guess that's more of a wish...
Leonie: Let's see... OK, I've got it. I solemnly swear to meet you once more, on this very ground, as a mercenary beyond compare!
Leonie: Oh, but that was all about me. No fair. You probably have something you want to promise too.
Byleth: 別に構わない No, I think that covers it.
レオニー: 流石は師匠の子供だ。心が広いな。器もでかい。
よし! そーいや、先生。何でこの塔に来てたんだ?
Leonie: Hah. You really do take after Captain Jeralt—always putting others first.
Leonie: All right, then, Goddess. You heard the promise. It's a done deal.
Leonie: Say, Professor...why did you come out here, anyway?
Byleth: 独りになりたくて…… I just wanted some time alone.
レオニー: ……あー、下じゃみんなに囲まれて落ち着かないもんな。
Leonie: Ah. Well, it is pretty crowded down there.
I guess I shouldn't have interrupted. I'll leave you to it.
But don't stay out here too long, all right? You'll catch a cold!